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Precios para reparar sus dispositivos

Lista de precios de reparaciones más comunes

¡Traiga su dispositivo enfermo a Electronica Moderna, donde uno de nuestros técnicos capacitados examinará su problema y hará sugerencias para reparaciones, optimizaciones o actualizaciones! Nos esforzamos por tener los precios más razonables para el mejor servicio más personal que pueda obtener. Vea a continuación nuestra información de precios más reciente. Tenga en cuenta que algunos precios pueden haber cambiado antes de que tengamos la oportunidad de actualizar nuestra página; ¡pregunte siempre por nuestros precios más actuales cuando llame o visite!


Todos los modelos

iPhone 5, 5S, 5C iPhone 6, 6S, 6+ iPhone 7, 7+ iPhone 8, 8+ iPhone X iPhone XI
Reparación de pantalla (solo CRISTAL) 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 125€ 125€
Reparación de pantalla (vidrio y LCD) 40€ 45€/50€/50€ 50€/75€ 45€/75€ 90€/150€/170€ $211.00
Cambio de batería 25€ 25€ 30€ 30€ 45€ 65€
Cámara trasera / delantera 20€ 25€ $60 $60 75€/45€ $60
Reemplazo de altavoz 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 35€ 35€
Reemplazo de auricular 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 30€ 35€

Conector puerto de carga

20€ 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 50€
Botones de ON/OFF / inicio / volumen 20€ 25€ 30€ 30€

Chasis marco tapa

35€ 35€ 35€ 55€ 110€ 130€

Lente de camara de fotos

25€ 35€ 20€ 20€ 30€ 30€
Protector de pantalla vidri/Hidrogel 5€ 8€ 8€ 8€ 10€ 10€

Todos los modelos

Samsung S20+ Samsung S20 Ultra Samsung S20 Samsung S20e Samsung S10+ Samsung S10/S9+ Samsung A10
Reparación de pantalla completa 125€ 240€ 210€ 180€ 230€ 220€ 80€
Reparación de pantalla(solo cristal) 125€ 240€ 210€ 180€ 145€ 135E 40€
Cambio cámara trasera /delantera 30€ 35€ 35€ 20€/40€ 25€/45€ 25€/45€ 25€/25€
Reemplazo de altavoz Llámame Llámame Llámame Llámame Llámame 30€ 25€


Cambio de batería Llámame Llámame Llámame 30€ 35€ 35€ 30€

Conector puerto de carga

Llámame Llámame Llámame Llámame 40€ 50€ 30€
Cambio tapa 45€ 45€ 45€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 15€
Protector de pantalla vidri/Hidrogel 10€ 10€ 10€ 10€ 10€ 10€ 10€

Todos los modelos

iPhone 5, 5S, 5C iPhone 6, 6S, 6+ iPhone 7, 7+ iPhone 8, 8+ iPhone X iPhone XI
Reparación de pantalla (solo CRISTAL) 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 125€ 125€
Reparación de pantalla (vidrio y LCD) 40€ 45€/50€/50€ 50€/75€ 45€/75€ 90€/150€/170€ $211.00
Cambio de batería 25€ 25€ 30€ 30€ 45€ 65€
Cámara trasera / delantera 20€ 25€ $60 $60 75€/45€ $60
Reemplazo de altavoz 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 35€ 35€
Reemplazo de auricular 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 30€ 35€

Conector puerto de carga

20€ 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 50€
Botones de ON/OFF / inicio / volumen 20€ 25€ 30€ 30€

Chasis marco tapa

35€ 35€ 35€ 55€ 110€ 130€

Lente de camara de fotos

25€ 35€ 20€ 20€ 30€ 30€
Protector de pantalla vidri/Hidrogel 5€ 8€ 8€ 8€ 10€ 10€

Todos los modelos

iPhone 5, 5S, 5C iPhone 6, 6S, 6+ iPhone 7, 7+ iPhone 8, 8+ iPhone X iPhone XI
Reparación de pantalla (solo CRISTAL) 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 125€ 125€
Reparación de pantalla (vidrio y LCD) 40€ 45€/50€/50€ 50€/75€ 45€/75€ 90€/150€/170€ $211.00
Cambio de batería 25€ 25€ 30€ 30€ 45€ 65€
Cámara trasera / delantera 20€ 25€ $60 $60 75€/45€ $60
Reemplazo de altavoz 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 35€ 35€
Reemplazo de auricular 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 30€ 35€

Conector puerto de carga

20€ 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 50€
Botones de ON/OFF / inicio / volumen 20€ 25€ 30€ 30€

Chasis marco tapa

35€ 35€ 35€ 55€ 110€ 130€

Lente de camara de fotos

25€ 35€ 20€ 20€ 30€ 30€
Protector de pantalla vidri/Hidrogel 5€ 8€ 8€ 8€ 10€ 10€

Todos los modelos

iPhone 5, 5S, 5C iPhone 6, 6S, 6+ iPhone 7, 7+ iPhone 8, 8+ iPhone X iPhone XI
Reparación de pantalla (solo CRISTAL) 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 125€ 125€
Reparación de pantalla (vidrio y LCD) 40€ 45€/50€/50€ 50€/75€ 45€/75€ 90€/150€/170€ $211.00
Cambio de batería 25€ 25€ 30€ 30€ 45€ 65€
Cámara trasera / delantera 20€ 25€ $60 $60 75€/45€ $60
Reemplazo de altavoz 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 35€ 35€
Reemplazo de auricular 20€ 25€ 25€ 25€ 30€ 35€

Conector puerto de carga

20€ 25€ 35€ 35€ 35€ 50€
Botones de ON/OFF / inicio / volumen 20€ 25€ 30€ 30€

Chasis marco tapa

35€ 35€ 35€ 55€ 110€ 130€

Lente de camara de fotos

25€ 35€ 20€ 20€ 30€ 30€
Protector de pantalla vidri/Hidrogel 5€ 8€ 8€ 8€ 10€ 10€
Breakage iPad, Ipad 2 iPad, Ipad 2 iPad mini, 2, 3, 4 iPad Pro iPad 2017
Screen Repair (Glass only) $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00 $211.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call $109.00 $139.00 $159.00 from $249.00
Battery Replacement $60 $60 from $60.00 ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
Ear Speaker Replacement $60 $60 Call Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Power/Home/Volume Buttons 25€ 25€ 25€ 25€ ...
Tempered Glass Screen $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 ...
Breakage iPad, Ipad 2 iPad, Ipad 2 iPad mini, 2, 3, 4 iPad Pro iPad 2017
Screen Repair (Glass only) $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00 $211.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call $109.00 $139.00 $159.00 from $249.00
Battery Replacement $60 $60 from $60.00 ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
Ear Speaker Replacement $60 $60 Call Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Power/Home/Volume Buttons 25€ 25€ 25€ 25€ ...
Tempered Glass Screen $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 ...
Breakage iPad, Ipad 2 iPad, Ipad 2 iPad mini, 2, 3, 4 iPad Pro iPad 2017
Screen Repair (Glass only) $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00 $211.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call $109.00 $139.00 $159.00 from $249.00
Battery Replacement $60 $60 from $60.00 ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
Ear Speaker Replacement $60 $60 Call Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Power/Home/Volume Buttons 25€ 25€ 25€ 25€ ...
Tempered Glass Screen $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 ...
Breakage iPad, Ipad 2 iPad, Ipad 2 iPad mini, 2, 3, 4 iPad Pro iPad 2017
Screen Repair (Glass only) $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00 $211.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call $109.00 $139.00 $159.00 from $249.00
Battery Replacement $60 $60 from $60.00 ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
Ear Speaker Replacement $60 $60 Call Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Power/Home/Volume Buttons 25€ 25€ 25€ 25€ ...
Tempered Glass Screen $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 ...
Breakage iPad, Ipad 2 iPad, Ipad 2 iPad mini, 2, 3, 4 iPad Pro iPad 2017
Screen Repair (Glass only) $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00 $211.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call $109.00 $139.00 $159.00 from $249.00
Battery Replacement $60 $60 from $60.00 ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60 $60
Ear Speaker Replacement $60 $60 Call Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Power/Home/Volume Buttons 25€ 25€ 25€ 25€ ...
Tempered Glass Screen $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 ...
Breakage Lending Time Late Fee Lost/Damaged Item Fee
Diagnostic Service 8 hours from $20 / hr $200/item
Hardware & Software Installation 8 hours $30 / hr $200/item
Data Recovery 10 hours $40 / hr $400/item
Hardware Repair 2 hours from $30 / hr $200/item
Virus & Spyware Removal 2 hours $10 / hr $500/item
Printer Set Ups / Troubleshooting 1 hour $20 / hr $400/item
Internet Connectivity 2 hours from $40 / hr $300/item
Wireless Networking 1 hour from $40 / hr $200/item
Breakage Lending Time Late Fee Lost/Damaged Item Fee
Diagnostic Service 8 hours from $20 / hr $200/item
Hardware & Software Installation 8 hours $30 / hr $200/item
Data Recovery 10 hours $40 / hr $400/item
Hardware Repair 2 hours from $30 / hr $200/item
Virus & Spyware Removal 2 hours $10 / hr $500/item
Printer Set Ups / Troubleshooting 1 hour $20 / hr $400/item
Internet Connectivity 2 hours from $40 / hr $300/item
Wireless Networking 1 hour from $40 / hr $200/item
Breakage Lending Time Late Fee Lost/Damaged Item Fee
Diagnostic Service 8 hours from $20 / hr $200/item
Hardware & Software Installation 8 hours $30 / hr $200/item
Data Recovery 10 hours $40 / hr $400/item
Hardware Repair 2 hours from $30 / hr $200/item
Virus & Spyware Removal 2 hours $10 / hr $500/item
Printer Set Ups / Troubleshooting 1 hour $20 / hr $400/item
Internet Connectivity 2 hours from $40 / hr $300/item
Wireless Networking 1 hour from $40 / hr $200/item
Breakage Lending Time Late Fee Lost/Damaged Item Fee
Diagnostic Service 8 hours from $20 / hr $200/item
Hardware & Software Installation 8 hours $30 / hr $200/item
Data Recovery 10 hours $40 / hr $400/item
Hardware Repair 2 hours from $30 / hr $200/item
Virus & Spyware Removal 2 hours $10 / hr $500/item
Printer Set Ups / Troubleshooting 1 hour $20 / hr $400/item
Internet Connectivity 2 hours from $40 / hr $300/item
Wireless Networking 1 hour from $40 / hr $200/item
Breakage Lending Time Late Fee Lost/Damaged Item Fee
Diagnostic Service 8 hours from $20 / hr $200/item
Hardware & Software Installation 8 hours $30 / hr $200/item
Data Recovery 10 hours $40 / hr $400/item
Hardware Repair 2 hours from $30 / hr $200/item
Virus & Spyware Removal 2 hours $10 / hr $500/item
Printer Set Ups / Troubleshooting 1 hour $20 / hr $400/item
Internet Connectivity 2 hours from $40 / hr $300/item
Wireless Networking 1 hour from $40 / hr $200/item
Breakage Apple Watch Playstation XBOX Nintendo
Diagnostic Service $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call ... ... ...
Battery Replacement $60 ... ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60
Hard Drive Error Repair / Upgrade ... $60 Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Overheating Issues ... $60.00 $60.00 from $60.00
HDMI Port Repair / Replacement ... $12.00 $12.00 $12.00
Breakage Apple Watch Playstation XBOX Nintendo
Diagnostic Service $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call ... ... ...
Battery Replacement $60 ... ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60
Hard Drive Error Repair / Upgrade ... $60 Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Overheating Issues ... $60.00 $60.00 from $60.00
HDMI Port Repair / Replacement ... $12.00 $12.00 $12.00
Breakage Apple Watch Playstation XBOX Nintendo
Diagnostic Service $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call ... ... ...
Battery Replacement $60 ... ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60
Hard Drive Error Repair / Upgrade ... $60 Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Overheating Issues ... $60.00 $60.00 from $60.00
HDMI Port Repair / Replacement ... $12.00 $12.00 $12.00
Breakage Apple Watch Playstation XBOX Nintendo
Diagnostic Service $69.00 from $89.00 $119.00 $129.00
Screen Repair (Glass and LCD) Call ... ... ...
Battery Replacement $60 ... ... ...
Rear/Front Camera $60 $60 $60 $60
Hard Drive Error Repair / Upgrade ... $60 Call Call
Charging Dock/Port $60.00 from $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
Overheating Issues ... $60.00 $60.00 from $60.00
HDMI Port Repair / Replacement ... $12.00 $12.00 $12.00

¡Repare su computadora AHORA!


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